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Canine Comrades: German Shepherds That Saved The Day

October 6, 2014 admin 0

German shepherds are a very young breed compared to other historic breeds like the Shih Tzu and Siberian husky. Introduced to the world by German shepherd dog breeders in Germany, these loyal animals are thought to have originated in 1899. …

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My Journey To Finding A Worthy Boarder For My Dog

July 3, 2014 admin 0

I’d like to share with you an experience that I had in boarding my 10 month old, female Cockapoo named Manuka. We had planned a ten day Hawaiian island tour, which would be the first time we’d be away from Manuka. We had never boarded a dog before, so we weren’t totally sure how to go about it. Many of our friends didn’t have dogs and weren’t experienced with dogs, so we decided not to burden them with the responsibility. We looked online and found several possibilities, but it was impossible to tell anything about the places via their websites.…

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How To Be Smart In A World Of Dumb Pet Owners

May 26, 2014 admin 0

If you ask people if they’re confident they can choose the best pet for them and their family, I think most people would say “Yes”.

I call BS.

On them AND myself.

choose the best pet

Based on the number of animals that end up in shelters every year –about 5 million, of which 3.5 million end up getting euthanized – I’d say we’re not as good as we think we are when we attempt to choose the best pet.

We all know there are countless things to think about when we choose a pet and I know the more responsible pet owners …

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Pro Athletes Involved with Dogfighting Again!

April 18, 2014 admin 0

You will not believe what these high profile athletes are doing. Amazing!

Several high-profile athletes are getting involved with a powerful new anti-dog fighting campaign on A KickIn Crowd ( called, “Unleash The Dogs of War,” which is a crowdfunded documentary meant to raise awareness about animal cruelty, and create support for political lobbying for anti-animal cruelty legislation.…

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Hit and Run Victim Turns Tragedy into Inspiration

March 21, 2014 admin 0

Pup Protector

Walking your dog when the sun is down can be a scary thing. Pedestrians can be hard to see from a fast moving car when the area is not well lighted. Pup Protector is a company designed to combat this problem because of a tragic accident. …

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Lost your pet? Find it faster with qr code pet tag

March 16, 2014 admin 0

Pets are very important factor in our lives. If you own a pet you can relate and understand that out little fury beasts are sometimes as much part of our lives as our close ones. We treat pets as our family members and sometimes they even need more attention from us than our partners. However, not everything is blissful with pets. …

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Pet cremation and pet urns for your furry friends

December 11, 2013 admin 0

Form special bonds with our companions, it is only natural that many of us wish to follow the human model of burial or cremation to respect and remember our pet’s devotion. An option such as burying your pet at home sometimes necessitates meeting stringent health department regulations, and you may find that pet cemeteries are either hard to find or costly.…

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How to Train a Dog the Right Way

March 19, 2013 admin 0

You have a new puppy and want to train your pet to behave and listen to your commands both inside and outside the house. How to train a dog is a typical theme among new puppy owners. There are a lot of books available on the topic of training dogs and some of them are very good. You should check out and review different books on training your new puppy to get a good understanding before you start the training.

All of that aside, all dog experts take a slightly different but common approach on how to train a dog …