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Cat Breeds that Look Like Tigers

July 2, 2014 admin 0

Tigers are no doubt one of the most majestic big cats on earth. And while the the idea of having one roam around your house may strike fear in your heart, the sight of these tiger-like cats are guaranteed to give you the fuzzy wuzzies. …

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How To Be Smart In A World Of Dumb Pet Owners

May 26, 2014 admin 0

If you ask people if they’re confident they can choose the best pet for them and their family, I think most people would say “Yes”.

I call BS.

On them AND myself.

choose the best pet

Based on the number of animals that end up in shelters every year –about 5 million, of which 3.5 million end up getting euthanized – I’d say we’re not as good as we think we are when we attempt to choose the best pet.

We all know there are countless things to think about when we choose a pet and I know the more responsible pet owners …

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10 Questions For You To Ask Your Bulldog Breeder

October 4, 2013 admin 0

1) Are the pups to be AKC or CKC registered and what will they want from you — spay/neuter agreements, etc? Will you get to choose your pup or will it be chosen for you?

2) When are they expecting a litter that you could have a pup from?

3) References (other people that have bought their dog(s), vets, other breeders that are familiar with their dogs)

4) What are the terms of purchase ?…

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Why People Prefer Chihuahuas Over Other Dogs

September 3, 2013 admin 0

As the smallest breed of dogs, Chihuahuas have been gaining increasing popularity. Spotted everywhere from the beaches of Miami to the bustling metropolis of London and New York, these dogs have also been adopted by the likes of celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Sandra Bullock and Hilary Duff.

Why the popularity of the Chihuahua amongst canine lovers? Cited on top of the list is the size of the average Chihuahua. At a full grown height between 6 to 9 inches and an average weight of between 2 to 6 lbs in weight, Chihuahuas make portable pets. With the increase in …

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Pet Training Partners Can Confuse Your Pet

January 19, 2013 admin 0

You went out and purchased a dog, got them home and after a few months you realized it is time to start training your pet. Training has even progressed to a good degree, and everything is going smoothly and then without warning your pet seems to stop obeying your commands. What could have possibly gone wrong? Well, you could have made a common mistake that many families do, training your pet with only one person in mind.

Training your pet also requires a few steps for training your family. You see, when you pick your set of commands, how is …