6 Ways to Deal With a Difficult Pup

November 29, 2019 admin 0

Some would argue that puppies are among the most adorable creatures on earth. There is something about their little noses, wagging tails and toothless smiles that make them seem like they can do no wrong. However, just as a human baby outgrows their cute, chubby phase, a puppy will quickly get to a stage where they want to do things their way. 

After the first few months, a pup becomes more aware of their surroundings, and they develop a curious nature that makes them want to get into anything and everything. At this point, they might begin to ignore the …

The no choke collar

November 14, 2019 admin 0

Puppies are so adorable, the look that they have on their face when they look at you is heartwarming. Whenever a puppy is adopted, it becomes a family member forever. Dogs or puppies are known as “man’s best friend” because of their loyalty, companionship and the affection they have towards their owner. Those puppy dog eyes and the snuggles are best thing a man needs after a tiring day at work. Dogs are affectionate and loyal; all they need is a little care. However, we sometimes fall short of the care the dogs deserve. We need to love them as …