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Appenzeller Sennenhund Dog Breed

August 24, 2016 admin 0

Sennenhunds are mountain mutts found in the Alps of Switzerland. There are 4 noteworthy types of the Sennenhunds found in the Swiss Alps.

  1. Grosser Schweitzer Sennenhund, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  2. Berner Sennenhund, Bernese Mountain Dog
  3. Appenzeller Sennenhund, Appenzeller
  4. Entlebucher Sennenhund, Entlebucher Mountain Dog

The medium estimated Appenzeller Sennenhund gets its name from the general population called Senn who are the herders in the Appenzell district of Switzerland.…

Pet insurance

What should I consider before purchasing pet insurance?

August 22, 2016 admin 0

Pet health expenses can also be costly. Well, the most practical and cost effective way to ensure that your pet is in good health is by purchasing pet insurance. Nevertheless, it can be challenging when determining whether to get pet insurance or not. Here are the key factors which you should consider before signing on the dotted line:…

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Dog Training: the Recall

August 13, 2016 admin 0
August 13, 2016 by Leslie Youra @

What is the recall command? It’s the “come”, “here”, or “dog’s name” command or simply coming when it’s called.

This is the most important, and usually the poorest trained command. It’s the most important command, because:

  1. It keeps the dog safe. If your dog darts out and is heading for traffic, or an aggressive animal, you must be able to call the dog back to you, and have it respond immediately.
  2. It prevents nuisance behavior. A dog that will come when you call can be prevented from jumping on people, or chasing