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Pet cremation and pet urns for your furry friends

December 11, 2013 admin 0

Form special bonds with our companions, it is only natural that many of us wish to follow the human model of burial or cremation to respect and remember our pet’s devotion. An option such as burying your pet at home sometimes necessitates meeting stringent health department regulations, and you may find that pet cemeteries are either hard to find or costly.…

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Food for dogs

December 2, 2013 admin 0

1. Peanut butter.
Peanut butter is rich in protein, and healthy fats, vitamin E, vitamin B 1 and B12. Stuff peanut butter can create the energy for dogs in many hours.
2. Boiled Chicken With Brown Rice
Boiled chicken with brown rice can help dogs’ stomach fell more comfortable because this kind of food is easily digestible. However, you should know that chicken can cause itching or diarrhea in your dogs, so you should cook the chicken well with pepper and salt. You need to avoid adding more onion or garlic to your dog foods.…

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How to get great pet photos

December 1, 2013 admin 0

For a pet lover, there are few more important things than their four (or six or eight!) legged friends. It’s always nice to have a few photos around the house of them, too, which is why we got together with UK canvas print experts Somer Print put together this list of tips on how to get the perfect pet shots:…