
Choosing a Rabbit Hutch

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Before you put too much thought into buying your rabbit its home, have you decided where you’ll put the hutch? Will it live indoors or outdoors? How many rabbits will live there?

Many rabbits live in hutches that are far too small for them – the majority of which were bought in pet shops. Resulting in your pet being in worse condition than a caged test animal. The House Rabbit Society recommends that the hutch should be at least four times the size of your pet. But, like most things in life, bigger is always better. …

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Enjoy Dog Friendly Days Out in the UK

September 1, 2014 admin 0

If you are going on holiday, and you want your friendly canine companion close to you at all times, planning ahead and finding the best dog friendly attractions, accommodations and places to visit should be quite high up on your list from the very start.…