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Join The New Grooming Trend And Clip Your Dog’s Toenails At Home!

January 23, 2016 admin 0

Dogs have been man’s best friend for a very long time.

“37-47% of all households in the United States have a dog.” – ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

If you’re a proud pooch owner then you know how important it is that your dog is not only clean and healthy, but also groomed to perfection. With households in the US spending $6.2 billion on grooming and treats in 2012 according to the American Pet Products Association, it’s clear that dog grooming is a market that’s on the up.…

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My Journey To Finding A Worthy Boarder For My Dog

July 3, 2014 admin 0

I’d like to share with you an experience that I had in boarding my 10 month old, female Cockapoo named Manuka. We had planned a ten day Hawaiian island tour, which would be the first time we’d be away from Manuka. We had never boarded a dog before, so we weren’t totally sure how to go about it. Many of our friends didn’t have dogs and weren’t experienced with dogs, so we decided not to burden them with the responsibility. We looked online and found several possibilities, but it was impossible to tell anything about the places via their websites.…