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Join The New Grooming Trend And Clip Your Dog’s Toenails At Home!

January 23, 2016 admin 0

Dogs have been man’s best friend for a very long time.

“37-47% of all households in the United States have a dog.” – ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

If you’re a proud pooch owner then you know how important it is that your dog is not only clean and healthy, but also groomed to perfection. With households in the US spending $6.2 billion on grooming and treats in 2012 according to the American Pet Products Association, it’s clear that dog grooming is a market that’s on the up.…

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4 Good Reasons Why You Should Groom Your Dog

October 15, 2014 admin 0

Dog grooming is actually one of the most important things that dog owners need to do. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most ignored responsibilities as well. Many pet owners usually find it difficult to take out some time to groom their dog and even some do not think it’s that important. Combing or brushing your dog’s fur just once a month is not really what we are talking about here. Grooming your dog frequently, on a weekly or even a daily basis is what we should be aiming for, using quality dog grooming.  Good reasons to groom your dog regularly …