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Dog Training: the Recall

August 13, 2016 admin 0
August 13, 2016 by Leslie Youra @

What is the recall command? It’s the “come”, “here”, or “dog’s name” command or simply coming when it’s called.

This is the most important, and usually the poorest trained command. It’s the most important command, because:

  1. It keeps the dog safe. If your dog darts out and is heading for traffic, or an aggressive animal, you must be able to call the dog back to you, and have it respond immediately.
  2. It prevents nuisance behavior. A dog that will come when you call can be prevented from jumping on people, or chasing
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Potty Training 101

April 3, 2016 admin 0

Purchasing or adopting a new puppy has plenty of perks, including cuddles, puppy breath, lots of play time, and adorable photo opportunities. However, a new puppy also brings a responsibility that every pet parent dreads: potty training. With proper technique, patience, and a positive attitude, your puppy’s potty training can be (mostly) hassle and mess free!…

Cat Litter Boxes

An Introduction To The Types Of Cat Litter Boxes

October 20, 2015 admin 0

Keeping a cat as a pet is a nice thing, but keeping the house clean with a cat in the house is a challenging task as the pet would have a tendency to urinate or excrete here and there in the house, unless it is well trained. To get a cat well trained as regards elimination of faecal matter, an automatic cat litter box or tray is a very essential thing. …

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How to Train a Dog the Right Way

March 19, 2013 admin 0

You have a new puppy and want to train your pet to behave and listen to your commands both inside and outside the house. How to train a dog is a typical theme among new puppy owners. There are a lot of books available on the topic of training dogs and some of them are very good. You should check out and review different books on training your new puppy to get a good understanding before you start the training.

All of that aside, all dog experts take a slightly different but common approach on how to train a dog …