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Why is the Best Pet Website in Latin America

June 6, 2016 admin 0

For all dog lovers in the Latin American region, is probably the best website you will visit. In simple and medium sized text, the website is entirely in Spanish. The content is relevant for dog owners in the region and will help you sell and buy dogs in major cities across Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. It also promises to extend its services to other countries across the region, some of the reasons this site is amazing are as follows:…

Healty horse

What to Know About Colic to Keep Your Horse Safe and Healthy

November 6, 2015 admin 0

Colic is the number one cause of premature death in horses worldwide, therefore educating yourself on the causes, symptoms, and steps to take in case it happens is well worth doing and could ultimately save your horse’s life. There are many misconceptions about this condition, and these beliefs can pose real threats to your horse’s health and prognosis in the event of an issue. Luckily there are several ways to keep your horse less prone to colic, as well as actions to take to ensure the best possible outcome if it happens.…