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Is Pet Dental Care Really That Important?

April 28, 2015 admin 0

When it comes to taking proper care of your pet to ensure that they are healthy and well, many people underestimate the importance of pet dental care. Oral hygiene is important for a variety of different reasons. If you don’t take care of your pet’s teeth and gums, then you may find that they are susceptible to tooth decay, oral disease, and pain. This is why you should make sure that you do what you can to make sure that they have good oral hygiene. …

Ruptured submandibular abscesses, horse

How to prevent infections in your stables

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Just like humans, horses are susceptible to a wide range of infections and diseases that can easily be spread around a busy livery yard. The majority of the most dangerous infectious conditions are preventable thanks to a thorough vaccination regime, however there are many that are not, and so horse owners need to be vigilant to stop them in their tracks. Equine infections can be viral, bacterial or fungal which means they can be spread through your stables in a variety of ways, so it is important that you know what to look for and how to prevent it. …