Animal Onesie Pajamas

Animal Onesie Pajamas: Remarkably Eccentric Pajamas for Fun and Merry Moments

July 18, 2016 admin 0

In every detail, animal onesie pajamas convey a bold touch of eccentricity that makes them truly outstanding. Designed with the triple advantages of comfort, versatility and exceptional aesthetics, these pajamas are ideal for the light moments of cosplay and general merriment. The pajamas are made of ultra-soft plush material that imparts a feeling of coziness on your body all the time. The ingenious designers ensured that the garments have the right dimensions and sufficient room for optimum comfort.…

Cat Litter Boxes

An Introduction To The Types Of Cat Litter Boxes

October 20, 2015 admin 0

Keeping a cat as a pet is a nice thing, but keeping the house clean with a cat in the house is a challenging task as the pet would have a tendency to urinate or excrete here and there in the house, unless it is well trained. To get a cat well trained as regards elimination of faecal matter, an automatic cat litter box or tray is a very essential thing. …


Choosing a Rabbit Hutch

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Before you put too much thought into buying your rabbit its home, have you decided where you’ll put the hutch? Will it live indoors or outdoors? How many rabbits will live there?

Many rabbits live in hutches that are far too small for them – the majority of which were bought in pet shops. Resulting in your pet being in worse condition than a caged test animal. The House Rabbit Society recommends that the hutch should be at least four times the size of your pet. But, like most things in life, bigger is always better. …


How to Stop Your Cat From Urine-Marking

March 20, 2015 admin 0

Cats and dogs feel an instinctive urge to lay claim to their territory, which they accomplish by leaving their scent. Your cat can use different methods to mark his territory, including scratching, rubbing, and sometimes, urinating. If you notice a pungent odour of cat pee around your home, your cat is probably letting others know that this place is his. Urine also communicates the status rank and reproductive status of the animal. In some cases, top cats in a neighbourhood mark their territory using faeces, a practice known as maddening. …