Dog care during winter days

Keeping your dogs safe, healthy, and fit is very important not only for your dog during rough seasons, but a good practive overall to maintain a good life for them. For this reason, you must always ensure that your dog is given proper care during these winter days. It does not matter whether you keep your dog outdoors or indoors during the day.

We at Pawtini Pet Supplies receive a lot of questions about tips to do this, so here is a few to keep in mind.

  1. Keep your dogs’ crate and kennels
    • You must ensure that your dog is well protected from the cold weather by providing it with a warm crate or a smug kennel.
    • Consider buying your dog a mat that you can facilitate inside the crate.
  2. Provide your dog with warm water
    • You must be sure to check for frozen water as it can freeze the dog during the cold season. Make sure that you keep your furry friend far from cold-water ponds and lakes.
    • Taking your dog near such places is not wise enough as the dog can easily fall in the water bodies.
  3. Limit outdoor time
    • During winter, the weather is normally cold outside and keeping your dog outdoors for long may prove disastrous as the dog can easily freeze. Therefore, ensure that you limit the time your dog spends outside her or his kennel.
    • When you leave the dog outside for long, he or she can easily develop frostbite.
  4. Maintain proper grooming
    • Ensure that you give your dog proper grooming during the winter period, as it will help keep the dog warm and healthy.
  5. Towel dry
    • Make sure to use a blow dryer each time the dog gets wet from either snow or rain, as it helps dry her or him faster. We hope these little tips help you keep your dog warm this season.
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